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Official FKA Kali Combat Level 1: Module 3 Student Curriculum
Getting Started in the FKA Kali Combat L1 M3 Course
Video Tutorial (3:45)
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Basic Salutation (2:37)
Stick Positions for Safety (3:19)
Basics for Gripping the Sticks (3:26)
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Zoom Winter Semester 2021 - Level 1: Module 3 - Empty Hand + Blade
Week 1: Class 1 - Jan. 12, 2021 - Intro to X-Footwork: Closed Series + Umbrella Series, Intro to Insert Series: Witik, Broken, Fluid (46:26)
Week 1: Class 2 - Jan. 14, 2021- X-Footwork, Intro Thrust and Twirl + Thrust and Slash, Complete Insert Series, Parry, Parry Salute, Elbow (45:10)
Week 2: Class 3 - Jan. 19, 2021 (46:07)
Week 2: Class 4 - Jan. 21, 2021 (46:54)
NOTICE: End of Month Review
Week 3: Class 5 - Jan. 26, 2021 (40:48)
Week 3: Class 6 - Jan. 28, 2021 - Review Insert Series +Reverse Series, EH Combatives (palm strike, slap, hammer fist, knee), Intro to Outside Entry, Blade review - 3 primary targets, X-Factor Flow - sak sak and pakal (42:19)
**BONUS VIDEO - Outside Entry with a partner (6:22)
Week 4: Class 7 - Feb. 2, 2021 - Intro to P3 High+Low, Review Complete DS Flow, Review Outside Entry, Intro to Inside Entry, X-Factor Blade Flow - Sak Sak + Pakal (44:27)
** BONUS VIDEO - Inside Entry with a partner (1:42)
Week 4: Class 8 - Feb. 4, 2021 - Review X-Footwork, Quadrants, P3 High-Low, Complete DS Flow, Review combative, Intro to MTD w/stick, Entries: Outside, Inside, Intro to Inside/Outside Entry, Blade: X-Factor flow- pakal + Counter #1 (44:20)
**BONUS VIDEO - X-Factor Flow - Pakal --Counters 1-3 with a partner (10:51)
Week 5: Class 9 - Feb. 9, 2021 - X Footwork + S-H-H + EH Entries Complete (40:39)
Week 5: Class 10 - Feb. 11, 2021 - DS Flow, X-Factor Freeflow, SHH, Quadrants, Intro to Sabayan, Elbows, EH Entries Blade: 3 Primary Targets, X-Factor Flow sak sak + pakal (46:38)
Week 6: Class 11 - Feb. 16, 2021 - Intro to Bridging (quadrants), OT alt. broken/fluid, Complete Sabayan + Contradas, DS Freeflow (x-factor, SHH), EH Entries + Intro to Double arm locks, Blade - 3 Primary Targets, X-factor Sak Sak, X-Factor Pakal + Counters 1-3 (38:40)
Week 6: Class 12 - Feb. 18, 2021 - Bridging, DS Flow, EH Entries, Intro to Sinawali Entry, Blade: X- factor Flow sak sak, X-Factor Flow Pakal + Counters, 3 Primary Targets (41:34)
** BONUS VIDEO - Inside Sinawali Entry with partner (14:26)
Week 7: Class 13 - Feb. 23, 2021 - DS X-Footwork (BFR), X-Factor Freeflow, Single vs Double OS, Bridging, Sabayan, Sinawali Entries 1-3, X-Factor flow - sak sak, X-factor flow - pakal + Counters 1-3 (42:04)
Week 7: Class 14 - Feb. 25, 2021 - DS Flow (body mechanics), Abakada, Feeding for Abakada, Bridging, GCT-Basic Lock Flow, X-Factor Flow sak sak, X-Factor Flow pakal + Counters 1-3 (44:07)
* Bonus GCT (original footage from iKali Blade Pt. 1) (3:25)
Week 8: Class 15 - Mar. 2, 2021 - DS Flow, SHH, X-Factor Freeflow, Abakada, Bridging, Angle 1-4, Sabayan, GCT, Basic Lock Flow, EH Entries, EH Freeflow (47:01)
Week 8: Class 16 - Mar. 4, 2021 - DS Flow, SHH, X-Factor Freeflow, Abakada, Bridging, Angles 1-4, Sabayan, GCT, Lock Flow, EH Entries, EH Freeflow (41:12)
Week 9: Class 17 - Mar. 9 2021 - Grouping to prep for L1-- I: DS, II: SS, III:EH, IV: Blade (34:22)
Week 9: Class 18 - Mar. 11, 2021 - Complete L1M3 Module Flow (41:53)
Week 10: Class 19 - Mar. 16, 2021 - Complete L1M3 Flow - Focus on TIMING (39:04)
L1M3 - L1M3 Progress Check: Practice Goals & Expectations (2:30)
Week 10: Class 20 - Mar. 18, 2021 - L1M3 FLOW: Slow Version (16:39)
Week 11: Class 21 - Mar. 23, 2021 - L1M3 FLOW: Medium Version
Week 11: Class 22 - Review Class 20 & 21
Week 12: Class 23 - Review Class 20 & 21
Week 12: Class 24 - Review Class 20 & 21
L1 M3 Reference Video (Slow Version) (16:39)
L1 M3 Flow w/ Partner (10:10)
L1 M3 Flow Reference PDF
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Moving to Level 1: Module 4 - Flow & Application
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Week 5: Class 10 - Feb. 11, 2021 - DS Flow, X-Factor Freeflow, SHH, Quadrants, Intro to Sabayan, Elbows, EH Entries Blade: 3 Primary Targets, X-Factor Flow sak sak + pakal
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